
Indenting and spacing

Page history last edited by Dmytrenko@wisc.edu 15 years, 11 months ago

I'm having difficulty getting my sentences to not indent so far at the beginning of each sentence. I know that we set up a new paragraph style to fix this problem in class but I'm not sure how. I also have trouble finding the tool box that would help me move columns further apart and push my text an equal distance from my pictures. Please help!

Comments (2)

Phil Levin said

at 12:11 pm on Mar 24, 2009

Paragraph indent:
Highlight all of the text in the text box. Adjust "First Line Left Indent" - it's the parameter on the bottom row to the right of the justifications.

Column gutter:
In Layout > Margins and Columns, adjust the "gutter."

Text wrap:
To push text automatically a certain distance from an image, apply a text wrap to the image. Select the image and got to Window > Test Wrap and adjust the parameters as necessary.

Kathleen Culver said

at 12:52 pm on Mar 24, 2009

Thanks for the response!
One other problem to check. You might have brought in text from Word that still has a tab at the beginning of each graf. Put the cursor after a first-line space and backspace to make sure you don't have a tab there (you can also show invisibles to check this).
Get into the habit of importing text with all MS Word formatting removed. This is an option in the file/place dialog boxes.

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