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this is just the way your computer is set to auto-open files with the extension .html.
to fix:
- click once on the file
- from the file menu, choose get/info
- "open with," choose Dreamweaver as the application instead of Firefox
- click "change all" to make all documents open this way
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J202 students who wish to be added as authors should e-mail me. Others not registered for the class are welcome to use the entries in this knowledge base but may not submit questions here or via e-mail. Thanks!
Comments (1)
Kathleen Culver said
at 4:37 pm on Apr 10, 2009
this is just the way your computer is set to auto-open files with the extension .html.
to fix:
- click once on the file
- from the file menu, choose get/info
- "open with," choose Dreamweaver as the application instead of Firefox
- click "change all" to make all documents open this way
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