
Soundslides on Wordpress Final Project

Page history last edited by Lauren Simonis 12 years, 9 months ago

I was following the directions Katy emailed (http://support.soundslides.com/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=71) but I'm not sure what I'm suppose to use for the URL. I tried using the URL when I opened it in a browser:




and the URL that was suggested to link to the file as in our IS sites:


http://courses.journalism.wisc.edu/2011-12/spring/j202/submissions/mederson/dropbox_final_project/Group 1/publish_to_web


Where should I be looking for the URL?

Comments (5)

Kathleen Culver said

at 2:11 pm on May 7, 2012

On the course sites server, within our j202 folder, there's a folder called "final" and a subfolder for each lab. Put your publish_to_web folder(s) in there.
URL is then http://courses.journalism.wisc.edu/2011-12/spring/j202/final/labame/publish_to_web
If you have more than one, you'll have to rename the publish_to_web folder and adjust the URL accordingly.

Lauren Simonis said

at 4:59 pm on May 7, 2012

I'm using this as my URL: http://courses.journalism.wisc.edu/2011-12/spring/j202/final/mederson/Publish_to_web which is exactly how I have it labeled in the folder, but it still doesn't seem to be working.

Lauren Simonis said

at 1:46 pm on May 9, 2012

Even after the ability to embed, the link that I posted above is giving me the error message "Error: No slide show was found at that URL." Am I missing something?

Eliana Berkoff said

at 10:18 pm on May 9, 2012

I think you capitalized your P in publish_to_web. That'll screw your link over.

Lauren Simonis said

at 10:24 pm on May 9, 2012

Yeah, that's how I have it labeled in my folder. Katy said she's working on the problem.

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