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Hey! Does anyone know how to import audio you recorded on a Microsoft Word Notebook Layout doc into Audacity for editing. I have another version of the audio but the one on the word document sounds a lot better.
What you do is you open your Notebook Word Doc. then go under the took menu, under the tool menu scroll down to audio notes, under audio notes select export audio and save it to your desktop. Once it is on your desk top you can drag it into audacity
Hope this helps!
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Comments (1)
Ally Grumley said
at 9:57 am on Nov 12, 2010
What you do is you open your Notebook Word Doc. then go under the took menu, under the tool menu scroll down to audio notes, under audio notes select export audio and save it to your desktop. Once it is on your desk top you can drag it into audacity
Hope this helps!
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