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trial ad

Page history last edited by Teresi 13 years, 11 months ago

My plugin for the ad isn't working. When I click play within Dreamweaver the following messages pops up:


Unable to find the plugin that handles this media type. Dreamweaver has looked in both the "Configurations/ Plugins" folder, and the plugins folder for each of your installed browsers.


I have gone throught the tutorial twice and got the same message twice. Help!

Comments (2)

Kathleen Culver said

at 1:17 pm on Nov 9, 2010

I think it's just an issue with your browser not being able to play Quicktime files. Are you on a Windows machine?

Teresi said

at 3:51 pm on Nov 9, 2010

haha yep. Should I not be worried then?

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