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Border around pictures

Page history last edited by morgano@wisc.edu 14 years, 11 months ago

how do i make a border of white space around pictures/other objects?


i can't quite remember how we did so in class.



Comments (1)

Kathleen Culver said

at 1:37 pm on Oct 28, 2009

If you're asking about making a frame of white:
- Click the black arrow and select the object
- Double-click the stroke tool in the tool palette on the left of the screen (it's the one that looks like a frame).
- Using the color-picker there, select a color
- Use the stroke palette to change the style and point width of the frame

If asking about how to bump text away from the edge of an image:
- Select the object you want to wrap around
- Window/Text wrap
- Choose the button for (wrap around bounding box)
- Use 4 boxes to enter values for how much you want to bump things away from the image

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